Frequently Asked Questions

One does not have any control over unforeseen circumstances such as automobile accidents. However, in the unfortunate event when such a thing happens to you, you should be well-prepared to take appropriate measures to minimize the damage. At All Nicks Collision, we are not only your auto body repairers but also your well-wishers. Therefore, we offer the following tips with respect to what you should do if you ever meet with an accident.


As a general rule, collisions should be reported to police if damage to all vehicles involved exceeds $2000. Read more for other helpful tips.

A: First of all, the most important thing is to make sure you’re safe. Once you’ve got your breath back and everything has calmed down a bit, try to assess what’s gone on. Get your vehicles to a place of safety; get them off the roadway as much as possible.


People say their cars won’t move, and generally speaking, they will. They won’t sound good, they’ll make lots of horrible noises, but you can get them off the main roadway. So get them onto the shoulder. You can exchange your details with the other parties as much as possible. Then report your crash to a local district office at a later time.


If someone is injured or your vehicle is immobilized, then you call the emergency number, 911. Let them know where you are and they will come give you a hand.

A: You only need to file a police report if the damage is in excess of $2,000, and that’s combined between the two vehicles. If the damage is over $2,000, then you are required to make a report at the police station.

A: That’s mandated by the province. I don’t know why they chose $2,000 a few years ago. It used to be $1,000. But as we all know, it doesn’t take much to get to that type of number. If you’re in any doubt, go to a police station and report it.

A: It’s supposed to be as soon as possible, but as long as it’s within a day or two, that’s usually fine.

A: Anything that will help you with the report. So you’re going to need the name of the other driver, registration, plate number and insurance policies for the vehicles involved. If you can get any witnesses, a name and telephone number is great.